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9th EuroTeens Meeting

'YES!' | Maybe hosted by … YOU?!

'EuroTeens Meetings' are hosted by an evocative team of teachers with the support of the regional government of a village/city and the management backbone of 'EnvironmentalEducationVienna'!

By now 8 'EuroTeens Meetings' have been successfully realised, in …
Vienna, Austria | Huddinge, Sweden
Brussels, Belgium | Giannitsa, Greece
Dublin, Ireland | Slovanice, Czech Rep.
Mataró, Spain | Csömödér, Hungary.

You are talented in event management and in leading a team of motivated teachers?! You are able to raise public fundings?!

… then you should contact us and activate the 'YES! Network' with our support. It’s worth to host the 9th 'EuroTeens Meeting' and welcome young people from all over Europe in your village or city!

9th EuroTeens Meeting
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